The Extemporaneous Music and Arts Society (EMAS) is an art collective dedicated to advancing improvised and experimental work in Kansas City. Founded in 2021 by Seth A Davis and Evan Verploegh.

Upcoming Performances

Wednesday, March 5
Clair, Kopper, Davis, Verploegh // Serrated Cooridor, Austin Williamson

Thursday, March 20
Krista Kopper, Shante Claire, Evan Verploegh, Jon Novelli, Loren Broaddus
Pat's Loft (Email for Address)

Saturday, March 29
Electrogong // Heartland Flyover // Austin Williamson // Shanté Clair/Kelly Grant Duo
Grand Avenue Temple

EMAS Records

EMAS Records was founded in 2021 and is focused on releases from people affiliated with EMAS to promote improvised and experimental music in Kansas City and the greater midwest.


Brennan Connors, Seth A Davis, Evan Verploegh

Connors/Davis/Verploegh (2022)

Cooper, Davis, Kopper, Verploegh, Williams
Compressed Space (2023)

EMAS Quartet

EMS (2022)

Krista Kopper
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn (2023)

Krista Kopper & Benjamin Baker

Open Sea (2023)

Krista Kopper & Evan Verploegh

For the Trees (2022)

Torches Mauve (Evan Verploegh & Seth Andrew Davis)

Volume One (2023)

Volume Two (2023)


VDO (2022)

Verploegh & Baker

Singles (2021)

Badger State Games (2022)